We are building our line up of the world’s best football players


We are building our line up of the world’s best football players JOIN FE  FUTBOL’S PLAYER LINE UP TODAY Fe-Futbol is a unique organization that is  expected to disrupt the world of global football talent management.

Fe-Futbol  empowers players and effectively enlarges the talent marketplace, preventing the loss of highly talented players, which occurs too often in today’s  challenging football climate. 

FE FUTBOL empowers up and coming players enabling them to control their  career by finding new and exciting career opportunities.


Player details

Player details

FE FUTBOL not only provides you with a platform to show-case yourself, but also combines the technology and expertise to find the best possible target clubs for you as a player.

Ground-breaking technology platform

A group of highly experienced football and data experts validating and delivering state of-the-art analytical solutions for players and clubs

Empowers up and coming players to find new and exciting career opportunities abroad

Enables clubs to directly manage all interactions with players who are registered in the system

Players can easily login and provide any relevant data for potentially interested clubs

Players can train with a GPS system to provide thorough physical data to clubs

Utilizes extensive BI and AI solutions to deliver the best recommendations for players and clubs

Combines technology and sports expertise to provide ongoing analysis and support

Our team is available for any further questions and to help manage negotiations with the player

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Praesent pulvinar urna urna, vel pellentesque lectus tincidunt non. 

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